Game Developer King Now Owns The Trademark On The Word 'Candy' In Games And Clothing

mzl.ywcgkxvd The US Patent and Trademark Office, in its infinite and infallible wisdom, has opted to approve a trademark filing from King, the developer of the wildly popular game Candy Crush Saga. King was seeking a trademark on the word 'candy' in the context of games and clothing (for some reason), and it appears the attorney who examined the request thought King had a sufficiently strong case, so here we are.


In all seriousness, it's hard to dispute Candy Crush Saga is very well known in casual gaming circles, but has it really risen to the level of trademarking a simple dictionary word?

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Game Developer King Now Owns The Trademark On The Word 'Candy' In Games And Clothing was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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