It wasn’t long ago that AT&T announced Beats Music, the newest music service that they hope will entice many of their customers to pony up $15 per month (per family) to listen to all the music they want. They’re launching that service starting today, if you don’t remember. While AT&T originally made it sound like they would offer exclusive access to the service, their exclusivity only comes in how they offer the service.
For starters, they seem to be offering decent value for those on family plans. That $15 per month covers up to 5 lines and up to 10 devices on a single account, meaning costs per person might only come to be about $3 per month on a 5 person account.
Not too shabby. Of course, the value fades away if you’re on a single line account, with AT&T offering these goods up for a less attractive $10 per month. AT&T is also offering a 90-day free trial, while those on other folks will only get the standard 7 days.
So what makes Beats Music different from established services like Google Play Music, Rdio, Slacker, Spotify and many more? AT&T’s hoping it’s the fact that their playlists and suggestions curated by music industry professionals will set them apart. Not everyone needs people in the music industry to tell them what kind of music they should like, but there it is anyway.
Unfortunately the Google Play Store link Beats gave to everyone isn’t yet active, though the fact that the app is currently live in Apple’s App Store leads us to believe it won’t be long for the Google Play version to go live. We’ll be sure to update this post once that eventually happens. Beats is hoping the video above, as well as the contents at the source link, will be enough to convince you to jump in and press play.
[via Beats Music]
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