Heads up: Slack is repeatedly signing people out of the mobile app

Probably not an excuse to slack off at work, though

It's just about the end of the workday for some of us, but if you're having trouble with staying signed in on your company's Slack workspace from a phone, you aren't alone. In fact, some of us here at Android Police are running into the same issue. Thankfully, Slack is aware of the issue and currently investigating the cause. (You still probably have to finish your work today, though.)

According to Slack's status dashboard and related incident report, the company first expressed awareness of the issue at 3:58 PM, but anecdotally, we've been suffering the issue for a bit longer than that at Android Police, going back until closer to 3:20 PM, with other reports also corroborating an earlier timeline.

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Heads up: Slack is repeatedly signing people out of the mobile app was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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