Xiaomi has announced a new phone called the Mi Play, but it comes with a twist. The device features a 5.84-inch 19:9 FHD+ display, 2.3GHz octa-core MediaTek P35 processor, 4GB of RAM, 64GB of storage, dual 12MP + 2MP rear cameras, an 8MP front camera, and a 3,000mAh battery. There’s also a microSD slot, fingerprint sensor in the rear (where it belongs), and dual SIM slots.
But that’s not the main appeal of the device. Xiaomi obtained an MVNO license in China in July, so it can now provide service with its devices. The Mi Play comes with a SIM card that will provide you with a year of “unlimited” data, including 10GB of 4G data per month.
All this comes at a price of RMB 1099, or around $160 USD. It’s a pretty amazing package that Xiaomi is offering. The device is only available in China for the moment, and considering the mid-range specs, I don’t think many of us are excited about the hardware. The service and overall package however is an interesting move by the smartphone manufacturer.
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