New study reveals that nearly a quarter of American homes have a smart speaker

The smart speaker boom isn’t really surprising. Having an omnipresent virtual assistant in the home is pretty useful, whether you want to listen to music or prove you’re right in an argument about some useless factoid. It’s hard to argue with their usefulness, despite the massive security concerns.

A new study by Nielsen shows that 24% of households have smart speakers in Q2 of 2018, up from 22% in Q1. That’s an impressive number, and even more impressive is that 40% of those households have more than one smart speaker. And despite smart speakers being around for a while, 62% of those who now own smart speakers started using them within the last six months.

90% of smart speaker owners use their speakers for music in a week (and let’s be honest, that’s mostly what we got them for) but quite a few people use them for facts and real-time information.

Smart speakers are very likely to get even more common very soon and we’re excited to see how much better they get!

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