Usage of Android Oreo climbs in Google’s latest distribution report

Usage of Android Oreo continues to grow.

Google today posted its Android platform distribution numbers for August 2018. This report measures which versions of Android were used to access the Play Store during the 7-day period ending on August 31st. Usage of Android Oreo grew from last month, going from 12.1 percent in July to 14.6 percent in August.

Most other versions of Android weren’t quite so lucky. Nougat held steady at 30.8 percent, but diving deeper shows that usage of Android 7.0 fell while usage of Android 7.1 grew. Android Marshmallow saw its usage fall to 22.7 percent this month while usage of Android Lollipop dropped to 19.2 percent. Android KitKat slipped to 8.6 percent, Android Jelly Bean fell to 3.5 percent, and Android Ice Cream Sandwich held steady at 0.3 percent.


Finally, there’s Android Gingerbread, which actually grew a bit from last month. In July, Gingerbread usage was at 0.2 percent, but in August it finished at 0.3 percent.

There’s no Android Pie present in Google’s numbers, but expect that to change next month. Just keep in mind that it’ll likely start out small since only a handful of devices have been updated to Android Pie.

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