Remembering things is getting tougher and tougher every day. One second I'm thinking I should reach out to my uncle to ask how he's been doing after his surgery, the next it's out of my mind and it doesn't come back until many days later and I feel like the most horrible niece ever. I've used to-do lists and calendar events even to remind me to message someone, but when that notification pops up, I keep snoozing it until I find the time to write the actual message. Messaging people and staying in touch isn't easy with our hectic lives, whether it's birthday greetings or simple "hey, how are you?" or the daily "I reached work safely" or "I'm leaving work now" notices you send to your significant other.
Read More[Hands-on] Scheduled lets you write, schedule, and auto-send messages to your contacts was written by the awesome team at Android Police.
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