Here are 63 temporarily free and 35 on-sale apps for your Monday

Welcome to the final day of July — I hope that Monday is treating you all well. Once again, I'm here with another app sales post. It's a long 'un, but maybe there's something in here that you'll enjoy. I already picked up a few of the icon packs and one of the games here today, so it's not all bad.



  1. Graphing Calculator + Math PRO $6.99 -> Free; 2 hours left
  2. Notes plus 2 $0.99 -> Free; 2 hours left
  3. eXport-it UPnP Client/Server $2.15 -> Free; 2 days left
  4. Fuzzy Numbers: Pre-K Number Foundation $5.99 -> Free; 2 days left
  5. Create Your Fingering Chart $0.99 -> Free; 3 days left
  6. Fella for Facebook (Beta) $0.99 -> Free; 3 days left
  7. APN Notificator $0.99 -> Free; 4 days left
  8. AuditBricks - Site Auditing, Snagging & Punch List $5.99 -> Free; 5 days left
  9. Jokes and Funny Posts $0.99 -> Free; 5 days left
  10. Notifications in bubble Pro $0.99 -> Free; 5 days left
  11. Screenshot Pro 2 $0.99 -> Free; 5 days left
  12. Tiny RTF Viewer $0.99 -> Free; 5 days left
  13. Здоровое питание, веганские рецепты и диета $0.99 -> Free; 5 days left
  14. Math Symbols Keyboard $0.99 -> Free; 6 days left
  15. QR & Barcode Scanner PRO $3.99 -> Free; 6 days left
  16. Recent App Switcher (DIESEL Pro) $0.99 -> Free; 6 days left
  17. Star Rover - Stargazing Guide $1.99 -> Free; 6 days left


  1. VR Earth Attack $0.99 -> Free; 2 hours left
  2. 魔塔新篇:龍族覺醒(黃金版)~~打發時間好游戲,百玩不膩,劇情和關卡衆多A $0.99 -> Free; 2 hours left
  3. Aliensome: 1 2 3 Find It!
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Here are 63 temporarily free and 35 on-sale apps for your Monday was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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