Qualcomm has announced the next version of its processor for the wearables market, with the latest generation meant to fit within a variety of devices including fitness trackers, watches for kids, and more.
It’s the Snapdragon Wear 1200, and it’s a new system-on-a-chip that’s meant primarily for tracking devices and personal fitness wearables. Qualcomm says that the new Snapdragon Wear 1200 takes up only 79 square millimeters and that it takes advantage of a 1.3GHz ARM Cortex A7 processor, an integrated Cat-M1, NB1, and eGPRS multi-mode modem.
The Snapdragon Wear 1200 platform also supports GPS, VoLTE, 802.11ac Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth 4.2. The company also touted the new platform’s battery life, saying it can support a wearable that can last up to 10 days on a single charge, even when it’s connected to LTE.
The Snapdragon Wear 1200 is manufacturing now and begins shipping today, but one thing to note is that this platform is specifically meant for more “basic” wearables. As a result, it doesn’t support Android Wear, but rather Linux and RTOS operating systems.
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