TCL recently introduced the BlackBerry KEYone, a new Android-based smartphone that boasts a physical keyboard. Now TCL CEO Nicolas Zibell has confirmed that his company plans on launching at least three new BlackBerry smartphones this year. These handsets will run Android out of the box, but otherwise the details of these upcoming devices remains a mystery.
One source speaking with CNET did say that TCL plans on launching a full-touch device, similar to the DTEK60, but that TCL will drop the DTEK brand. So whatever TCL has planned for later this year, it sounds like they are shaking things up at least a little bit.
Interestingly enough, Zibell also noted that the company could bring back the Palm brand, which it acquired back in 2015. LG owns webOS, though, so the likelihood that TCL resurrects Palm with Android on board seems high.
Are you happy to see BlackBerry, and perhaps eventually Palm, back in the spotlight?
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