Samsung Pay Mini Adds Mobile Payment Option to All Android Phones

Samsung Pay has so far been limited to Samsung’s Galaxy high-end phones, but that’s about to change very soon. First off, Samsung plans to extend the availability of the service to include most of its phones.

Secondly, Samsung Pay Mini is almost ready to be launched. If you’re not familiar with the concept, Samsung Pay Mini is a stripped down version of Samsung Pay, created to be compatible with most Android smartphones out there.

However, keep in mind that the Samsung Pay Mini can only be used to process online payments, so you won’t be able to pay with it in-shop.

Anyway, the company has officially announced Samsung Pay Mini saying the service should become available in Q1 2017. South Korea is going to see it first, as a pre-trial test is scheduled to begin on February 6 with Samsung Card, when customers with a card will be able to download the trial app form the Google Play Store.

Samsung says that to take advantage of the service, you’ll need a smartphone with at least 1280 x 720 resolution and Android 5.0 Lollipop or higher.

Samsung Pay Mini will take advantage of Samsung Pay features such as lifestyle, membership or transportation. On top of that, Samsung will add a new feature called Shopping meant to connect handsets with famous local online shopping malls.

Information related to Samsung Pay Mini’s global roll-out wasn’t provided, but we expect to hear more info on the topic soon.

[Sam Mobile]

The post Samsung Pay Mini Adds Mobile Payment Option to All Android Phones appeared first on Android in Canada Blog.

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