Google reportedly discontinuing the Google Now Launcher soon

Google currently has a couple of different Android launcher apps, but it looks like the company will soon whittle that number down to one.

Android Police is reporting that Google plans to scrap the Google Now Launcher from the Play Store, based on an email the publication received from an anonymous tipster. The email says that Google has already notified GMS partners that it will be discontinuing the Google Now Launcher and that it will be removed from the Play Store “in the coming weeks.”

There is some good news for companies and users, though. Google also confirms in the email that the Search Launcher Services library for OEMs is now available. This means they can include the standard Google Now feed in their stock launchers, like Sony has done in the past.

The email also notes that Google will remove the Google Now Launcher from the GMS package beginning March 1, which means that any new devices with the launcher pre-installed will not be approved after that date. Those who have already installed the Google Now Launcher will still be able to use it, but the listing in the Play Store will not be available by the end of the first quarter of this year.

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