Google has confirmed that the Nexus 6, made by Motorola and released in November 2014, will receive an update to Android 7.1.1 Nougat in early January. This update makes the Nexus 6 the oldest Nexus device to still be supported with software updates, as the Nexus 5 has officially been retired without an update to Android 7.0. The update to Android 7.1.1 is notable for the Nexus 6, as it may end up as the device’s final update.
Though Android 7.1.1 was officially released in the fall, the Nexus 6 was excluded without an official comment from Google. The company has now confirmed that it found a bug in the software specific to the Nexus 6. The offending issue has been rectified and the new update is slated to begin rolling out in early January.
Keep your eyes open, Nexus 6 owners, the update is coming.
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