The Samsung Galaxy S7 launched with a 3,000mAh battery, while the bigger Galaxy S7 edge launched with a beefy 3,600mAh battery. And thanks to a listing for a Galaxy Note 7 with a model number SM-N930S, we now know that the Note 7 will ship with a 3,500mAh battery.
While this is a 500mAh upgrade over the Galaxy Note 5 (which had a smaller battery than its predecessor), it’s a bit of a surprise that it comes in at 100mAh less than the Galaxy S7 edge. It’s possible that the inclusion of an S Pen ate up some space that could have been used for the battery.
The Note 7′s 3,500 mAh is still quite a large battery, though, so there’s nothing to worry about. That is, of course, as long as Samsung goes light on the bloat.
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