Photos Live Case, designed with your favorite photo
Showcase a shot of your family, dog, or any other fave photo. Just upload a pic to the site, choose a style, and you’re done. Snap on your case to see your home screen turn into a slideshow of poses that you handpicked from Google Photos. To add more shots to your wallpaper, simply tap the shortcut button on the back of your case to launch your camera.
Places Live Case, styled with your happy place
Fashion your phone with a stylized map of your favorite location from around the world – whether it’s your dream vacation destination or hometown. Your live wallpaper will show a map of your whereabouts as you go about your day. With a tap of the shortcut button, the app will show you what’s nearby on Google Maps.
Check out some cool cases that The Dogist, Dan Rubin, Marques Brownlee and others have made for Nexus phones.
Now, go forth and customize! Visit the Google Store to make your own.
Posted by Kari Clark, Senior Manager, Live Cases
Android Match
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