Nexus Protect is Apple Care for your Nexus devices, but better

As smartphone manufacturers must try harder and harder to differentiate their products from competitors, after purchase care has become more important than ever. Google is stepping it up a notch today with its Nexus devices and the unveiling of Nexus Protect.

Nexus Protect is essentially Apple Care for Nexus devices. But better. Starting at $69 for the Nexus 5X, and $89 for the Nexus 6P, Nexus Protect will cover your handset from mechanical breakdown and accidental damage for two years. There was no mention of deposits, and Nexus Protect is a 24 hour service. If you call on a Tuesday night, there is a chance you will have your phone by as soon as Wednesday or Thursday afternoon.

As far as warranty plans go, Nexus Protect is the best we’ve ever seen. We’ll update with more details on Nexus Protect once it becomes available.

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