Don’t look now, but OnePlus just found a new name for their in-house ROM that’ll serve as the primary operating system for their phones in the future. The name is OxygenOS, and it was chosen thanks to the necessity of the element in all facets of life. To hear OnePlus tell it:
Oxygen is all around us. It’s part of us and everything we do. It creates the water that carves out valleys and moves mountains. By itself, it’s simple and pure—a fundamental building block. But, as a part of something greater, it can do amazing things. Just like us.
I didn’t say “don’t look now” because the name or meaning behind it is bad. In fact, it’s actually one of the coolest names out there. Rather, we urge you not to look now because there’s nothing to know right now.
We’ll be let in on more details February 12th, but until then all we know about the company’s efforts is that they’re still in the very early alpha stages of what they hope will turn out to be the perfect software for their current — and likely future — smartphones.
[via OnePlus]
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