Although it can be exciting living on the bleeding edge of tech, sometimes being first to a software update can prove to be more harmful than good. Just ask Nexus (or even iPhone) owners who’ve, over the years, learned the hard way that initial updates — especially when it comes to major Android versions — can often times be riddled with bugs and other general weirdness. It’s this very reason it appears there was such a long delay in the rollout of Android 5.0 Lollipop for the Nexus 5.
Now, with the recent update to Android 5.0.1 and Nexus owners being some of the first to get the update, a good handful of users are now reporting a memory leak bug responsible for killing open apps and constant home screen reloads on their devices.
The thread on Google’s Android Issue Tracker shows a range of Nexus devices afflicted, everything from Nexus 7 2013, to Nexus 4, and Nexus 5 showing Android system eating upwards of 1.2GB+ of RAM.
While tough to pinpoint the exact cause (thanks to the complete sh*t show the thread has turned into with users only complaining about the bug), it seems one of the thread’s members may have found the cause relating to a memory leak in “system_server” when screen is turned on/off (frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
With a fix now in place, the thread has no officially been marked as “FutureRelease,” meaning you can expect the fix to hit your Nexus device in a future update. Of course, no word on exactly when we can expect a rollout (or even what the specific version number will be), so you’ll just have to sit tight for now. Anyone noticed this bug on any of their devices?
Android Match
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