Google details the development process for Android Auto


Google just posted a nice guide to help developers understand how to build Android Auto compatibility into their apps. Android Auto will work the same way Android Wear works in that developers won’t need to create a “new” app in order to make it compatible with Android Auto. Instead, they will only need to add the necessary code to their existing app.

Android Auto will integrate with existing Android APIs for notifications along with a set of Voice Actions. So if a developer has a music streaming app, they could tie in a specific voice action to play a particular song.

Google is also stressing how important it is to make sure apps don’t demand too much of the user’s attention since driving will and always will be the primary function (until self deriving cars are out). So it’s certainly not the same as developing for a phone or tablet. The information needs to be glanceable and simple, and predictive, yet predictable.

The architecture consists of a Media App, Android Auto App, and Vehicle Display. The user interface will consist of a Launcher, Primary App UI, User Actions, Drawer Transitions, and Day and Night Transitions.

Android_Auto_Launcher_02 Android_Auto_Primary_App_UI Android_Auto_Primary_App_UI_03 Android_Auto_Drawer_Transitions Android_Auto_Day_Night_Transitions

As expected, Google is locking down the UI in that developers and other manufacturers won’t be able to skin or change it whatsoever. Google designed the overall UI to reflect the safety laws and considerations for various parts of the world, and that is the obvious reason for lockdown.

Google will be releasing the Android Auto SDK in the coming months, which will let developers test apps on mobile devices.

There is a lot more info in their post, so hit up the source link.

source: Google Developers
via: ArsTechnica

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