Looking for a good deal on a Verizon Wireless Moto X that can be customized through the Moto Maker? Now’s your best shot, as Motorola is offering the device for just a penny whenever you buy it with a two-year contract. You can also grab it for $329.99 if you prefer not to be bound by the chains of cumbersome wireless agreements.
So how do you get in on it? Simply design your Moto X at Motorola’s Moto Maker website, and after you’ve gotten everything you exactly how you want it simply use the code “VZWDEAL” at check out. Wait, do a little dance, wait some more and presto: you should have your own customized Moto X on your doorstep in no time. Of course, this deal won’t last forever so it’s wise to take advantage of this as soon as humanly possible. Head here to get started.
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