A man in Ohio went to see a movie this past Saturday night. Normal, right? He just so happened to have a pair of prescription Google Glass, which he wore to watch the movie. He claims to have done this twice before without incident, but this time, an agent from the FBI approached him and his wife about an hour into the movie.
Outside, several police officers were waiting for the couple and accused the couple of illegally taping the movie with Google Glass. Obviously, the man had done nothing wrong. He had a prescription pair of Glass, so even though Glass (and his smartphone) were off, he still wore Glass so he could see. The man and his wife denied recording the movie and even submitted to some completely voluntary interviews. Towards the end of the process, an agent brought a laptop and gave the man one last chance to come clean. He submitted to having his personal photos and videos dumped onto the laptop where the FBI could see that he hadn’t actually been recording the movie.
This story had a semi-happy ending, but it’s a good warning about wearing Glass in public. Even if you’re not doing anything wrong, the potential is there, and that’s often enough of a reason for others to worry about what you’re doing with it. Things like this could definitely keep Glass from gaining a ton of mainstream popularity in the future.
source: The Gadgeteer
via: TechnoBuffalo
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