Lenovo CEO says the goal is to surpass Samsung, Apple


By now, we all know that Lenovo purchased Motorola from Google. The CEO of Lenovo, Yuanqing Yang, made it quite simple by explaining that Motorola is an excellent foothold for them in the United States. But now he has provided some more insight in an interview with Fortune.

When asked when Lenovo became interested in buying Motorola, Yang stated that after missing out on Motorola Mobility in 2011, he contacted Eric Schmidt in 2012 saying “If you think you want run the hardware business, you can keep the business; but if you are not interested in the hardware business, we definitely can handle that, take over that.” And last November, the two men discussed it heavily. After two months, the deal was closed.

The biggest part of the interview came when Yang was asked how long it would take to surpass Samsung and Apple. Lenovo’s CEO responded confidently by saying “Definitely, over time. Our mission is to surpass them.” After all, Lenovo did end 2013 in fifth when it comes to smartphones shipped.

Source: Fortune

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