After starting out in the world of smartphones, Google’s Android has since grown its presence in the world of technology by appearing on tablets, televisions, eyewear and more. Now it looks like we may know the market that the Bugdroid has its sights set on next: The world of automobiles.
A new report from The Wall Street Journal claims that Google and Audi are planning to take to the CES stage next month to announce their plans to create an Android-powered in-car entertainment system. Sources claim that Google and Audi will team up with other automotive and technology companies on the effort, including NVIDIA.
Eventually the project could allow drivers and passengers to access apps, music, navigation and other services that are similar to what’s already found on Android smartphones. This software would reportedly run on hardware built directly into the vehicle rather than rely on an Android-powered smartphone for the heavy lifting.
Many of the details of Google and Audi’s work are still a mystery for now, but it makes sense that The Big G would look to vehicles as a way to help Android grow. Not only is it still a fairly wide open market, but Google can use its existing Android app base to ensure that its in-car system has a large selection of software for consumers at launch. Plus, as more and more people adopt smartphones and integrate them into their daily lives, they’ll want to be connected as much as possible and could see a familiar-looking Android entertainment system as a good reason to buy one vehicle over a different one that’s not similarly-equipped.
What do you think of the possibility of an Android-powered in-car entertainment system? Would such a setup influence your decision on whether or not to purchase a particular vehicle?
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