While the Samsung Galaxy S 4 has quite a few different color variations, the Note 3 was launched primarily in just black and white (with a hard-to-find pink variant out there as well). In January however, Samsung’s flagship phablet will be available in red and White Gold, according to SamMobile’s insider sources. The red version will launch in the first week of January, while the White Gold version will follow two weeks later.
Availability will be worldwide, but some retailers and carriers might get an exclusive claim on the new colors for a particular period of time. If you’re looking for a Note 3 for the holidays, just remember that you might want to wait a few weeks and grab a snazzy red or White Gold version instead of black or white.
Source: SamMobile
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1 komentar :
I would love to get the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 in White Gold.
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