CyanogenMod Installer app yanked from Google Play Store for violating terms

Earlier this month, the CyanogenMod team officially unleashed its new “CyanogenMod Installer” app into the Google Play Store to help make it easy for users to get a CyanogenMod up and running on their Android device. It looks like the app’s stay in the Play Store has been cut short, though, as the team just announced on its official blog that Google asked that it be removed from the market’s virtual shelves.

The CyanogenMod team explains that, according to Google, the app was in violation of the Play Store’s developer terms because it “encourages users to void their warranty.” While the app itself doesn’t do anything wrong, it does help users to enable the ADB tool and then point them toward the desktop app for the actual installation of the custom ROM. The good news is that because the app saw “hundreds of thousands” of installations, the CyanogenMod team will continue to make the app available for sideloading. The team also says that it’s planning to submit CyanogenMod Installer to the Amazon and Samsung app stores.

Today’s news is a bit of a disappointment for the CyanogenMod team, as having its Installer app available in the Play Store not only made it super easy to download, it also helped to expose the app to users that otherwise may not have learned about it. Launching in the Amazon and Samsung app stores could help the app and CyanogenMod onto more devices, but for now it looks like the team will have to rely on sideloading and word of mouth. Stay tuned and we’ll update you with more details on the situation as we get ‘em.

Have you used the CyanogenMod Installer app since its debut earlier this month?

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