What are T-Mobile and Shakira announcing for the 3rd phase of the UNcarrier movement today?

T-Mobile has been teasing an announcement at New York City’s Central Park for a couple of days now. Yesterday, the company’s official Twitter account Tweeted that the third phase of the UNcarrier movement would kick off today, with international superstar Shakira confirmed to be christening the event with a musical performance.


The only problem is that we haven’t been given the slightest hint as to what to expect, except for John Legere’s proclamation that the forthcoming announcement will “REALLY shake things up” again. If T-Mobile’s recent track record is anything to go by, I wouldn’t doubt their ability to live up to lofty expectations.

Without any rumors to go on, though, we’re left to our own devices to figure out just what it is T-Mobile has to show off at today’s event. Their new plans are already out and in full effect. The T-Mobile JUMP early upgrade program has already been announced and available. What else could T-Mobile possibly be bringing to the table? I have a few different predictions:

  • T-Mobile will announce a huge list of 4G LTE cities to go live at some point in the very near future

  • The death of throttling

  • Shakira in unlimited amounts of leather to replace Carly in a new major marketing campaign

  • Free pink Magenta cupcakes for everyone who buys a phone

  • More shots fired at AT&T

I’ve obviously gone a bit off the wall at the end there, but the point is that we are clueless as to what T-Mobile could be looking to announce later tonight. Whatever it is, though, you can bet our eyes will be peeled and that we will be bringing that information straight to your inbox as soon as it’s available. Be sure to add your own wishes and predictions in the comments section below, and circle back later tonight for all the latest out of New York City!

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