The Big Android BBQ starts tomorrow, be sure to get the new app

BBQ Pins

The Big Android BBQ kicks off tomorrow down in Hurst, Texas. If you’re not familiar, the Big Android BBQ is a yearly Android related conference filled with plenty of Android related sessions, various people from the Android community, sponsors, and of course plenty of partying and eating some fine BBQ. Some may even say this is the Android social event of the year. This year’s event is shaping up to be pretty amazing too, with over 30 speakers and over 20 big sponsors all from various aspects of the Android world.

If you’re going to the event, you’ll want to head on over to the Play Store and download the newly released Big Android BBQ app, which graduated from beta earlier today. This year’s app is much more than a simple widget. If you’re a fan of modern Android design and HOLOYOLO, you’ll love this update. Great job Asher Simonds (Desinger), Allie Ogden (Front End), Michael Lipson (Back End).

  • The updated app includes a news feed.

  • A schedule of events, including notifications when your starred session is about to begin.

  • A list of speakers and sponsors.

  • Pins you’ve unlocked, which are virtual badges you’ve earned. (The pins shown above are physical ones you can find at the BBQ.)

  • Your Google+ profile

  • A list of all the people you’ve met and made a connection with via NFC.

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I’ll be attending the Big Android BBQ, arriving tomorrow morning. If you’re a Phandroid reader and see me walking around, be sure to stop by and say hello. I love meeting fellow Android enthusiasts. (Bonus: Bring beer.)

Download the Big Android BBQ app on Google Play.

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