Rumored Google ‘Mobile Meter’ app may reward users for sharing mobile usage stats

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We all know that Google already tracks our web usage patterns in order to deliver us ads and improved web services. We also know that many Google apps passively collect information such as location and search activity in order to help Google improve our experiences with these apps.

Now according to a tip received by Engadget, Google is looking to take an even closer look at our mobile data usage through a special opt-in program.

The new program goes by the internal name of “Mobile Meter” and will apparently utilize a special Android/iOS app that monitors mobile usage stats such as what apps we are using and what sites we are browsing. If the program does in fact exist, this data would than be anonymized and sent back to Google’s servers.

Why would anyone opt-in to such a service? Reportedly, Google will be offering compensation for participation in the program. We currently have no clue what form that compensation will come in, though Wallet or Google Play credit certainly make sense.

Google has yet to confirm or deny the existence of the “Mobile Meter” program, sticking to its usual “no comment” routine — so speculation is advised. Still, this doesn’t sound too unbelievable, as organizations like Nielsen already conduct mobile trend research using a somewhat similar approach.

What do you think about getting rewarded to hand your mobile web/app usage details over to Google? Keen on the idea or not?

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