HTC: Android 4.3 update coming to T-Mobile HTC One by ‘mid next week’

After releasing the Android 4.3 update for the Sprint and AT&T HTC One, it looks like T-Mobile customers a next on the list to receive the update. HTC’s Jason Mackenzie sent out a reassuring tweet on Friday to confirm that the T-Mobile HTC One Android 4.3 update will be pushed out by the middle of next week. We’re not exactly sure when the update will be released, but we’d recommend keeping a close eye on your phone for an update notification on Tuesday or Wednesday.

The Android 4.3 update for the T-Mobile HTC One will come with the latest version of Sense 5, launcher bar enhancements, new BlinkFeed features, a widget lock screen style, home button behavior modification (remove black menu bar from screen), ability to display battery level percentage in the notification bar, quick settings, 6 new Video Highlights themes with custom music options, improved Zoe file management plus all of the standard Android enhancements included with Android 4.3

As soon as HTC release the Android 4.3 update for the T-Mobile HTC One, we’ll be sure to let you know. Stay tuned!

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