Google smartwatch to be announced “sooner rather than later”


Rumors on Google’s smartwatch have not been scarce, but just how soon will we be able to wear the Search Giant’s watch? The latest rumor suggests that it will be very soon, making Google’s device the very next addition to our smartwatch comparison!

We are not sure just how soon is “very soon”, though. The source states that the anonymous tipster was not able to give any exact dates, jsut that it would be “sooner rather than later”.

What will it do?

According to the rumor, Google is to take a slightly different approach on its smartwatch. It’s said to be heavily focused on Google now and Android 4.4. This seems to make sense – turning your smartphone into an assistant, as opposed to a smaller version of your smartphone.


We can picture being able to ask the watch for assistance, just as one would with Google Now. Asking for the time, setting alarms, text messages and emails could all be easily added to the equation then. It would add a twist to the idea of the smartwatch, one we haven’t yet seen.

At the same time, we really hope this watch is not limited to Google Now. We would also love to see some social networking and compatibility with other apps. Will the watch be open to third-party developers to make apps? We are not sure yet. The details are scarce.

Battery life is key

motorola-droid-maxx-battery Those who follow our podcast will know that I am a huge supporter of the Qualcomm Toq. One of the main reasons is its expected battery life, which will average at about 2-3 days. Battery life is one of the most important factors in a smartwatch. We already worry too much about charging our smartphones, we shouldn’t have to worry about charging our watch in the middle of the day.

The anonymous tipster tells us Google is heavily focusing on battery life and Bluetooth 4.0. We are not sure just how well battery life will be handled, but let’s hope Google can surprise us!

Other rumors and announcement

We have had suspicions of a Google-branded smartwatch coming for a while. In fact, Google purchased WIMM Labs and even filed for smartwatch-related patents. There really was not much of a doubt that said device would come to life.

Release/announcement dates are still unknown, but the source says the device should be announced “sooner rather than later” (as we mentioned above). Past rumors state the announcement should be aligned with the Android 4.4 KitKat release, which should be this month. We wouldn’t exactly hold our breath on that, though. We just have to wait and see.

Would you get one?

Details are scarce, so we are not yet sure whether this phone is worth your hard-earned cash or not, but how are you liking the idea of this smartwatch? Would you buy one? Does it depend on the price? Does it depend on the features?

[via 9to5Google]

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