Google releases duo of new Nexus 7 ads

Google’s ads as of late have been absolutely fantastic, being both adorable and exemplary of why their products are truly useful in your life. Most of these ads focus on the brilliance of Google Now, which knows what you want and gives you the information when you need it. And with the release of a new Nexus 7 not too long ago, it’s time for some awesome new commercials to go along with it.

The first is a very short, 15 second ad that plays on the difficulty of college life. The new textbook rental feature in Google Play Books is shown off, along with the ability to search for 24 hour coffee shops. It’s never a bad time for a shot of caffeine.

The second plays on your feelings. The same college student is playing some video games on his Nexus 7, and a Hangout message comes that his dog is not feeling well. He packs up and leaves, but Google Now informs him that there is a storm and his flight is cancelled. Luckily, Google Now tells him to catch a train.

Once again, Google creates ads that show real reasons to buy a tablet, focusing more on their own software than the hardware (which they just use as a bridge between the user and their ecosystem). I love Google ads, don’t you?

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