Facebook announces Facebook for Android alpha testers program


When beta simply isn’t close enough to the bleeding edge, alpha testing comes along to slash its way into the hearts of those who must be among the first people to get the latest features. If you’re one of those people and you’re a user of Facebook, you’ll be happy to know that Facebook has announced a Facebook for Android alpha testers program.

Lead mobile release engineer Christian Legnitto claims that the alpha testing program “is not for the faint hearted” and that “features will come and go”. The alpha stage will naturally be less stable than the beta and standard app, however, it will offer brave Facebook users an opportunity to be among the first people to see the direction in which Facebook is headed.

Legnitto says that the alpha and beta testing programs will “give early user feedback” and ensure that Facebook can “confidently provide the best app experience to everyone using Facebook.”

Another milestone for Facebook was the fact that since the beta testers program was launched in June, the program has reached over 1 million daily active users in over 150 countries, using smartphones from 50 different OEMs, running a multitude of Android versions.

If you’re looking to join the Facebook alpha testers program, hit the source link below to find out how to join.

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