Does HTC’s new infographic hint at BIGGER things to come?

HTC is continuing it’s “Here’s to Change” campaign with a new infographic flashing the greatest trios in history, and while on the surface this seems like just another excuse to see what the letters ‘H,’ ‘T,’ and ‘C’ might stand for, it comes with a twist. Yes, we see Harry, Hermoine, and Ron, referred to as “Hogwarts’ Tenacious Children” and Snap, Crackle, and Pop as “Hearing Tasty Cereal,” but the meaning behind the cutesy sketch is belied by the mention that a new great trio is “about to be completed.”

Might that trio be the HTC One, HTC One Mini, and the long-rumored HTC One Max? While no direct mention is made of any of the devices, there is little doubt that this is what HTC Is building to. Here’s hoping Robert Downey Jr. can help them sell a few of the uber-sized smartphones before the money pot runs dry.


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