App exclusives need to die, starting with the now-official Twitter for Android tablets on the 2014 Note 10.1

twitter for android tablets samsung

We’ve been wondering how long it would take Twitter to get their act together and release an Android tablet app, and the company has finally done just that. Well… sort of, anyway. The app is exclusive to Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 – 2014 Edition users as of right now, with other Samsung tablets said to be getting the app shortly.

It’s everything you’d expect it to be — Twitter, except on the big screen. You get more info in more spaces. And in the case of the Note 10.1 – 2014 Edition, you can do it in multi-view — awesome!

What isn’t awesome, though, is the fact that Twitter is deliberately holding the app from all other Android tablets. Apparently this will only be the case until the end of 2013, but we still aren’t down with these exclusivity deals. It’s a pretty hard slap in the face to folks who have been waiting for the tablet version of Twitter for years upon years to be told that they have to own a Samsung tablet to use it.

We’ll likely get over it by the time 2014 arrives and the app is sitting in the Google Play Store for all to download, but we’re in the here and now, so we’ll spit fire about it in the here and now. But if you happen to be one of the lucky souls buying a Note 10.1 – 2014 Edition for $550 starting today, enjoy, and let us lowly non-Samsung tablet using folks how it is in the comments section below!

[via Twitter]

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