Skype 5.0 for Android makes it easier to find your friends

Skype has just dropped version 5.0 of their Android app. Despite a huge version change, this update only brings us a couple of new features (though some very key ones if you have previously had trouble finding your friends and family members who may or may not be on Skype).

Specifically new to the Android version is the ability to finally find contacts by linking your address book to Skype. Skype will eventually ask you to verify your real phone number in order to use this feature, but that shouldn’t be much of an issue if you’re looking forward to pain-free methods of finding friends who have Skype accounts.

The feature is even more robust for people who use a Microsoft account to sign in. Like the phone address book functionality, Skype will look to match contacts from your Microsoft account’s address book to people on Skype.


Thankfully none of this is being forced on the user if they want no parts of it — simply head into settings and disable it. And if you want to use the functionality but don’t want to make your phone number known you’ll have the ability to hide that from public view. It sounds like a pretty solid update, though we’re more interested in hearing about the return of full group chat functionality without the excessive battery drain.

Android Match

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